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Welcome to Carefluent

Welcome to Carefluent

Let’s face it, there’s a lot of content online. Like Netflix, when someone tells you, “I’ve got a great new series you need to see,” your anxiety level goes through the roof.

“Another series, I can’t!”

Well, we’ve got a great new blog you need to follow. But before you attempt to tune out, lend us a couple of minutes to make our case as to why the Carefluent blog is worth your time.

Those folks who require caregiving services end up spending a significant amount of time with their respective home caregivers. Ideally, these two individuals will have something more in common than simply a transactional homecare relationship. Daphney Vick feels the same. As Carefluent’s Founder, Daphney launched Carefluent after undergoing a laborious search to find quality home care for her father.

In short, Daphney found the process impersonal and was genuinely surprised that none of the agencies asked about her father as an individual. For example, they never asked some of the more basic questions like:

“What language(s) does your father speak?”

“Does he have any dietary restrictions?”

“What does he do for fun?”

After all, this person would be spending a good amount of time with him. Understanding more about him, his personal interests, background, etc., would be nice, right? Well, it really struck a chord with Daphney and ultimately was the impetus to launch Carefluent, a highly personalized, culturally responsive home care giving service matching caregivers with care seekers based on social, cultural, and linguistic needs and preferences.

Culture and lifestyle matter. For example, if you grew up your entire life in a Greek family, with exceptional Greek cooking, Greek music, literature in Greek, and of course speaking Greek, you might feel more comfortable with a caregiver who is Greek or at least knows something about the country and culture. For older adults as well as those who simply need temporary home care assistance (post-surgery, etc), having an enriching, positive environment around them helps tremendously in the healing process and, more broadly, improves the quality of life. Multiple studies corroborate this and Carefluent seeks to match the absolute ideal caregiver with his or her care seeker.

We all agree that caregivers are critical to their families, loved ones, and society at large. But, did you know that many times in-home care is being provided by folks who work full-time outside the home? Nearly 73% of employees reported having some type of current caregiving responsibilities, while approximately 20% serve as permanent, full-time caregivers for their families and loved ones. Moreover, employed caregivers provide an average of 20 hours of care per week. Employees with caregiving responsibilities are often stressed, have higher healthcare expenses, are distracted at work, and are more likely to arrive at work late, rearrange their work schedules, and request unplanned time away from the office. Nearly one-third resign due to their caregiving responsibilities!

A company’s most valuable resource is its people. Multiple studies reveal when folks feel valued their productivity naturally increases. Carefluent partners with employers to create Caregiving benefits packages that are widely valued by employees, yet affordable and which contribute to a healthy, productive work environment. This is an immediate return on investment! In future blogs, we’ll explore further exactly how this type of savvy investment pays tremendous dividends for employers over the long term.

Ok, you’ve made it this far. Not bad, right? We told you; this is as great as that next Netflix series you should be watching! Keep tuning in as we’ll begin diving in-depth into several topics that we guarantee will be of great value to you, a loved one, or your business at large. Until next time …

Posted On 01 Nov, 2022


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